If you are on this page, it means you watched in full our FREE TRAINING "Build a Successful Career as an Artist" (click here if you want to watch a replay).
Congratulations, not everyone is so dedicated to making a dream come true.
That's why we believe you deserve an extra incentive to keep walking your journey. Here you will have exclusive access to an exclusive workbook that will help you to give a start to your art business; an Archetype Test and also an e-book that will outline each one of the possible results you can have.
We also have some surprises for you! Read this page till the end to get the most possible to support your journey to Be a Full-Time Artist!
As you learned in our training, Independent Artists need to develop their brands as a business to make enough profit to support their lifestyle. That's how you can Be a Full-Time Artist!
It means we will apply some of the same techniques big companies do to your brand. You will see that some "names" and "concepts" during the test are really "businessy". Please, don't let this distract you from misleading you to the idea that you are an ARTIST. The book will help you to associate all those notions to your particular creative case, believe me!
We strongly recommend that you read the book before taking the test to have a better understanding of the importance, meaning and application of your results.
We want to clarify that this is a Psychological Test that can support your self-knowledge process. However, it doesn't substitute other mechanisms. In the same way, it is not 100% guaranteed that this result is immutable. We can develop ourselves over time, changing our minds and transforming our personalities. This test doesn't substitute a professional psychological analysis.
This test will help you to have a starting point. Read the book to understand how you can use this information to create your unique Artistic Brand and how it can be important when you decide to Be a Full-Time Artist.
And Now?
Could you relate the result with your own personality? It is kinda weird, right?
Art is about emotional connection. The way you connect to these aspects of your personality is a key factor when looking to connect to your audience's emotions. Understanding yourself better can help you to understand your audience better as well. If you can master this skill, selling your art will be an effortless consequence.
Do you want to go further? Are you brave enough to embrace all your potential and create a strong brand for yourself?
Click on the following button and make the right choice! We can work together to build a successful career as an artist. Enroll in Sell My Art Online to start turning your dreams into reality.